
What is employee wellbeing and why is employee wellbeing so important?

Making employee wellbeing one of your main priorities is more vital now than ever. We spend over a third of our lives at work which can have a significant effect on each of our overall wellbeing – this extends into your personal life. The mental and physical wellness of a team is directly linked to their productivity and output. It’s time to give your employees the best care you can.


Most corporate wellness programmes share one critical issue – participation. Its difficult to offer a wellness solution that resonates with all of your employees. That’s why Corehealth corporate wellness program focuses on inclusion. We want everyone to feel that wellness is accessible to them.Overall, investing in corporate wellbeing is a strategic decision that can yield substantial benefits for business. By prioritising the health and happiness of employees, organisations create a positive work environment, improve productivity, reduce costs and enhance their reputation in the market.

  • 5x average return on investment for every £1 spent on wellbeing initiatives
  • 42% of employers are increasing management training to support employee wellbeing
  • 93% of Gen Z employees think their company could do more to strengthen relationships across the company

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Contact me to schedule a consultation and discover how I can help you achieve your goals. Let's work together to improve leadership, communication, and team dynamics within your company.




What is corporate coaching?

Corporate health coaching is a wellness program designed to help employees improve their overall health and well-being. It typically involves personalised coaching sessions, workshops, and resources that address common health concerns such as stress, nutrition, and physical activity.

How can corporate health coaching benefit my company?

Corporate health coaching can have a range of benefits for your company, including improved employee productivity, reduced absenteeism, and increased job satisfaction. By investing in the health and well-being of your employees, you can create a more positive and productive workplace culture.

What topics are typically covered in corporate health coaching?

Corporate health coaching can cover a wide range of topics, including stress management, nutrition and healthy eating, physical activity, and sleep hygiene. The specific topics covered will depend on the needs and goals of your employees.

Is corporate health coaching confidential?

Yes, corporate health coaching is confidential. Coaches are bound by strict confidentiality agreements, and personal health information is not shared with employers or anyone else without the employee's explicit consent.

What is individual coaching?

Yes, individual coaching is confidential. Coaches are bound by strict confidentiality agreements, and personal information is not shared with anyone else without the individual's explicit consent.


With more than 20 years of experience we can deliver the best services cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus.

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremqu laudantium totam rem aperiam eaque ipsa

Health coaches are some of the most impactful practitioners that I’d had the pleasure of working with…a functional medicine health coach is part behaviour change specialist, part supportive mentor and part wellness educator.

14 x New York Times bestselling author & and international leader in the field of functional medicine

“Not only has Christina raised awareness but also the importance of mental and physical well-being in the workplace. The trials and initiatives she has introduced have enabled us all to consider making positive changes to our lifestyles”.

Nick, Director, Commercial Real Estate

“In circumstances where Christina also has to manage her caseload as a solicitor, I’m grateful for her remarkable job in championing the importance of physical and mental health in the workplace”.

Geoff, Director, Dispute Resolution

“Being lawyers, we work long hours and the job is very demanding and can often be stressful. Hence it’s great to know that Christina is focussing on addressing our physical and mental health here at Lawrence Stephens.”.

Bradley, Director, Corporate & Commercial

Christina has done a great job in bringing employee mental and physical wellbeing to the top of our priorities. Since we work in such a high-pressure environment, it’s great to have someone on our side who can preach tips on how to maintain a healthy work/life balance”.

Andreas, Director, Real Estate Finance

"In circumstances where Christina also has to manage her caseload as a solicitor, I’m grateful for her remarkable job in championing the importance of physical and mental health in the workplace."


“Being lawyers, we work long hours and the job is very demanding and can often be stressful. Hence it’s great to know that Christina is focussing on addressing our physical and mental health here at Lawrence Stephens.”


I think the Wellness Programme has been extremely valuable and it is essential in the current climate to have something like this on offer, especially for a growing and progressive firm.  When I first started at LS, just over a year ago, it was in the wake of my struggle with working from home alone for most of the preceding 12 months.  

Angela, Associate Real Estate



With more than 20 years of experience we can deliver the best services cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus.

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto.